Sunday, July 11, 2010

Preparing for Transfers

Much thought and prayer goes into each transfer as we try to put each missionary just where they will be most effective in the mission. It is quite the process as we contemplate the needs of each area and missionary, trying to keep them in their current areas for as long as we can. The Lord truly inspires us as we go through this process. Above is our transfer board with every area and of every missionary on it. When you bring 16 new missionaries into the mission then it becomes a rippling effect as we try to find trainers and companions for everyone.

Elder Crandall, Elder Beames, Elder Westbroek and Elder Hones. Our amazing Assistants. These young men are such valiant missionaries and do a lot of behind the scene work. We truly grow to love each one of them as they serve with the President in the mission.

Our trip to the Mesa Temple

We can't seem to keep an Assistant lately. Elder Crandall will be going back out to proselyte his last few transfers in the mission. What an incredible young man he is and we are humbled to have been able to work with him as an Assistant. Elder Crandall is a humble missionary who "lifts where he stands". Always giving his all and helping where he can. We love you Elder Crandall.

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