Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happenings around the Mission

At interviews we bring all the latest packages and mail for our missionaries. Every time a missionary gets a package you always see all the elders swarming the one who opens the package in hopes they will get some of the goods from home. You only thought you were sending a package to just your son Moms!

We marched all 4 of our assistants into the local Walmart to receive their flu shots. I never knew 19-20 year old young men were so afraid of needles. It is like pulling teeth to get them in to receive their shots. They say it is because they don't have any money. I know better- it is the needles. Be brave Elder Grayson!

Once again it was time for Etiquette 101 in the mission. Another review of some good table manners
and also a quick review of how to set a table. We always have some fun with this one.

At interviews we pass out the APM Spirit Newsletter. They all enjoy reading about the baptisms that have occurred since many don't get to see the fruits of their labors before they are transferred to a different area.

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