Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our New Assistant Elder Wright

Our Newest Assistant is Elder Wright. He took Elder Pack's place as he went out to proselyte for his last 6 weeks in the mission. We are excited to have Elder Wright, along with Elder Lundgreen, assist us in the work. He is a wonderful missionary and great addition to our office.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our Saturday Hike

Saturday is our preparation day and our new thing is to go on the Saturday hike up Sunrise Mountain (which is really a hill) with friends in the church. Last Saturday we hiked up the Mountain with our Assistants and the Matsen's. Sister Matsen was a powerhouse and it was all I could do to keep up with her. She even did all the talking as we trudged up the mountain. We found a mother owl sitting on her nest, nestled in the Saguaro cactus. The desert is blossoming in the spring and it is a different kind of beauty. After our hike our assistants challenged us to a tennis game. It was fun to swing the racket again and find I still could play. It was the first time I have played since I have been on the mission.
President likes to stick by Elder Matsen as he is a fountain of knowledge of the desert plants.
Mother Owl sitting on her nest in the middle of the Saguaro
Blooming Cactus

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sister's Training Conference

On Friday, we held a sisters training conference at the Mission Home. It was a day for all the sister missionaries to come together to "Fill their wells". We had some instruction on "The Worth of Souls is Great in the sight of God", and also discussed their own self worth, nutrition, exercise, had some good food and enjoyed being together. As the sisters arrived we played a "get to know you game" which connected them with each other. We have 21 sisters in the mission. They are all wonderful missionaries who give all their heart, might mind and strength in their missionary work
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" D&C 18:10

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Cincinnati Face is Always Welcome

Our good friend Chuck Delella was in town and spent the afternoon with us. It was good visiting with him and catching up on the Cincinnati scene. Thanks Chuck!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Zone Leader Counsil

These are our Zone Leaders who are in charge of the missionaries and the work in their perspective areas in the mission. Every six weeks they meet with the President to be trained in their leadership responsiblities. They are incredible young men who the President relies on greatly.

Preach My Gospel Study Guide Recogniion Awards

In the mission we give our missionaries an opportunity to increase their knowledge of the scriptures and Preach My Gospel (an inspired study guide on how to preach the gospel). We have 5 different levels of recognition they receive on their path to being a Gospel certified missionary. We have had an increase of missionaries who are pushing themselves to receive their recognition. Three have reached level 5. Elder Wilcox, from Australia, achieved level 5 in this picture. In the scriptures it says:
"Neither, take ye thought before-hand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." D&C 84:85
As our missionaries, study and memorize the scriptures, then when they teach the gospel to others they will be able to recall the words of the Lord in proclaiming the gospel.

Early Good-byes to Elders Stromberg & Wilson

"Well Done Thy Good and Faithful Servants"
We had to send Elder Stromberg (left) and Elder Wilson (right) home a few months early because of some health problems they were having. We were able to have an outgoing dinner for them before they left us. We will miss Elder Strombergs positive attitude and Elder Wilson's strict example of obedience as they return home. Our prayers will be with them in their recovery. We love your elders!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sharing our Fruit

Tracy and Ryan returned to Phoenix again to attend the funeral of his uncle who suddenly past away at age 51 just after they left from their last visit here. While they were here, they loaded up the orange boxes again to take the delicious fruit back home to share with their siblings. Everyone has orange, lemon, and grapefruit trees here so it is hard to give it away, and their is too much to eat.
Our tree was loaded with grapefruits and oranges. The new orange blossoms smelled incredible, but as Ryan tried to cut them from the top of the tree, the pollen got to him and he began sneezing.